ArgoCD: automating app of apps architecture with Helm

This arcticle describes a practical implementation of the app of apps pattern using argocd with a real-world example using helm templating. This pattern in argocd allows to create a single application (let’s call it app-of-apps for convenience) that contains all the other applications that we want to deploy in the cluster. This is specially useful when we want to bootstrap a cluster and want argocd to take care of deploying all the applications in the cluster....

August 9, 2024 · Caio Gomes

Kubernetes: verifying container's health

Introduction In this post we will try to understand how to check if a container is healthy and what are the methods and patterns available in kubernetes to do so. Besides that, we will also understand the patterns kubernetes provides and when to use each of them, the patterns are process health check, liveness probe, readiness probe and startup probe. In summary, when trying to check the health of a container, we are trying to find the best method to allow kubernetes to verify if the application is running correctly....

April 16, 2024 · Caio Gomes

GitHub Actions: deploying a website to S3

GitHub actions is an automation service that allows us to automate all kinds of repository related processes and actions. Using GitHub Actions we provide GitHub with a yml file describing our workflow in steps, and it will run the workflow based on an event that can be a push. This way everytime we make a push to the repository it will run the actions described in the yml file with our repository....

January 15, 2023 · Caio Gomes